Hollywood Times Square is an online magazine dedicated to glamour, lifestyle, and entertainment from coast to coast. This site is meant to go beyond the scope of celebrity blogs. We let you know how to make the most of the major U.S. hotspots. Once you get to know us you can come here to read about celebrities, concerts, restaurants, pop culture and much more.
My sister Rosemary and I decided to create this website because we felt most entertainment blogs were missing something.... some were downright offensive and others just weren't very funny. We also wanted something to bond over since we only see each other during the summer. Rosemary is a photography student at NYU and I am studying broadcast journalism at USC. We figured we could use our talents as a way to spend more time together.... and since we live on different coasts we can give you the scoop on a plethora of sites and sounds.
The majority of our posts will be based out of Los Angeles or New York, but if anyone knows of any hotspots, fun events, or great gossip going on in the rest of the country feel free to write something for us and we will post it up. Of course credit will always be given to any volunteer writers. You can reach us at: frances@hollywoodtimessquare.com or rosemary@hollywoodtimessquare.com
Frances Vega